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As a public figure with lots of activities, Daniel Mananta or more known as VJ Daniel realized the importance of his health and lifestyle. During his preparation to join Tokyo Marathon in 2020, VJ Daniel committed to fix his diet by subscribing to Lesssalt's pescatarian program. He successfully broke his personal record and reached his ideal weight. His pants size was even down by 2 numbers.

VJ Daniel, Host & Actor


For years, Felicia suffered from accute GERD that caused her to fall sick often and had to be hospitalized. Having consumed hormonal supplements for quite a while, her body weight increased drastically, making her unconfident. Although she was skeptical at first, Felicia was amazed after trying Lesssalt and successfully reduced her body weight by 15 kilograms in about 3 months. What's even more surprising was, her GERD symptoms no longer show up.

Felicia Sasongko, Make Up Artist

Face of Lesssalt

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